More than 60 VIP club employees seek help in Macau

Macau Labor Authority has received 61 applications for employment support from employees working at VIP game clubs in the region, 17 of whom have found jobs through matching services provided by the government.

Lau Wai Meng reported the figures at Saturday’s event because he is deputy director. Lau said individuals have reached out to the Bureau of Labor to compensate for layoffs. Speaking to the media, Lau said the number of cases for former VIP workers is not high. Since December, the bureau has received complaints from individuals regarding the termination of employment of VIP game operators.

Most of the fired employees are hired by the game industry and can be re-employed, with 61 previously hired by nine VIP clubs in Macau, but their actual names were not disclosed.

To show their concern about the job market situation in the gaming industry, the Bureau of Labor will host a field training program for workers at local casinos. These programs will be used to help individuals improve their skills based on activities, not games.

The bureau also wants to work with game companies to provide managerial training because the government wants to diversify from the struggling game industry. Six game operators were previously asked to provide paid training to on-the-. The bureau is considering providing programs for facility management training to help employees improve their status.


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