Man Utd ace has problems with club+drinking controversy, then attitude on pitch

Marcus Rashford has been heavily criticized by fans for his on-field behavior, following his recent drinking controversy.

“Manchester United fans were furious with Rashford after footage surfaced of his behavior against Luton,” the UK’s Sports Bible reported on April 19 (ET).

Rashford, United’s leading striker, has been criticized for his behavior this season. The biggest issue came ahead of the last FA Cup tie against Newport County, where his drinking and club visits were highly controversial.

It was reported that he didn’t show up to training after drinking in the days leading up to the game, much to the dismay of fans, and there were even reports that his teammates had turned against him. Rashford was subsequently fined £650,000 by the club.

Manager Eric Tenhaar defended Rashford. “It’s an internal matter. I’ll deal with it,” he said, refusing to answer questions about Rashford from the media and allowing him to return to training. Rashford then scored a redemption goal against Wolverhampton to silence the criticism.

However, in recent matches, Rashford’s demeanor has once again led to controversy when fans point out his behavior.

As SportsBible explains, ‘United fans are furious with Rashford after the win over Luton Town. While some players gave it their all until the final whistle, a video of Rashford’s behavior in the closing minutes of the game has gone viral,” pointing to Rashford’s problematic moments.

In the video, Rashford is shown slowly following opposing midfielder Ross Barkley’s dribble without much of an interception. It’s the last 메이저사이트 minute of the game, but with a one-point lead, Rashford should have been defending Barkley more closely.

Fans immediately took to social media to criticize Rashford. “I saw this during the game and decided it was time to give up on him,” they wrote, “This has to be a joke,” and other negative reactions. Some fans even responded positively to the recent transfer news that PSG were in the market for Rashford, saying, “If PSG want him, let them have him.”

It will take a lot more passion from Rashford to get past the controversy and win back the love of United fans.

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