“Hill, 44, pitcher, “childrearing now. Coming back this summer”

Left-handed pitcher Rich Hill, who is familiar to Korean fans after playing with Ryu Hyun-jin (37. Hanwha Eagles) and Kim Ha-sung (29. San Diego Padres) and Choi Ji-man (33. New York Mets) last year, will return to the field this summer.

In a recent interview with ESPN, a sports channel, Rich Hill said, “I received offers from three teams last winter, but I refused because I wanted to spend more time with my children in the first half of the season. However, I have been personally practicing pitching as well as exercising physically to extend my active career.”

According to media outlets, Hill cherishes and enjoys the time he spends working out with his young children while teaching them in the “Little League.” However, he has also reportedly been preparing for his return to active duty.

Hill actually thought the same way back in the winter of 2022. However, Pittsburgh persistently pursued the deal at the time, and last year, he played full-time. In the middle of the season, he was traded to San Diego along with Choi and finished the season there. However, this year, he is reportedly preparing to spend time with his young children at the beginning of the season as originally planned and return to the field in the middle of the season.

Hill, who hails from Boston in the U.S., was drafted by the Chicago Cubs in the fourth round of the Major League Baseball’s rookie draft in 2002 and entered the professional league. Then, he made his major league debut just three years later in 2005.

Since then, Hill has consistently survived in the Major League and continued to run for a long time. Notably, he recorded his career high of 12 wins and 8 losses with a 3.32 ERA in 2017 when he played for the Los Angeles Dodgers along with Ryu Hyun-jin.

Hill, who played 19 seasons in the Major League up to last year, recorded 90 wins and 73 losses with an ERA of 4.01. The 19-year run in the Major League, which is not flashy but competitive like the jungle, is becoming an example.

In fact, Hill moved 15 teams from the Chicago Cubs to the Baltimore-Boston-Clibrand Los Angeles Angels, New York Yankees-Boston-Oakland-Los Angeles Dodgers, Minnesota-Tampa Bay, New York Mets-Boston-Pittsburgh-San Diego. He needed to have skills, but it was a journey that he would not have achieved without perseverance and hard work.

In an interview with MHN Sports last year when he was playing for Pittsburgh, Choi said, “Hill is a teammate and senior who has a lot to learn from. He is a veteran, but he sweats a lot when he comes to the ballpark first. He prepares matches more thoroughly than younger players. His diligence is the best in his team.”

Hill’s relationship with Korean teammates Ryu Hyun-jin, Choi Ji-man, Bae Ji-hwan and Kim Ha-sung also became hot topic of conversation. Moreover, Hill’s late father was a veteran who was dispatched to the U.S. military during the Korean War. In other words, both father and son had deep ties with Korea.

Hill confirmed the fact in an interview with MHN Sports reporters who met at PNC Park, Pittsburgh’s home stadium, last year, saying, “My father was a veteran dispatched to the Korean War to prevent the communistization of Korea.”

“I heard that my father was a lieutenant in 1950 when I was dispatched to the army. However, I have not heard any details such as where he was in the Korean War and what kind of combat he participated in. Because my father was silent during his lifetime, I did not mention or boast about these things directly,” he said. “If I have a chance, I would like to look in the footsteps of my father, who willingly participated in the Korean War with his precious youth and life as collateral for freedom and peace in Korea. I am so proud and respectful of him.”

For reference, Randy Johnson (61) was a pitcher who played in his mid-40s in modern baseball. His last game was on Oct. 4, 2009, when he was 46. Nolan Ryan (77), who served as Texas owner, also threw until he was 46.스포츠토토

The oldest pitcher ever recorded in Major League history was Satchel Page, whose last game was in September 1965. Page was 59 years old at the time. With a career record of 124 wins, 82 losses, and an ERA of 2.73, Page was inducted into the Hall of Fame after retirement and holds the title that he was the oldest player.

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