Caesars Windsor workers vote for third tentative deal after 60-day strike

The union, which represents about 2,300 casino workers in Windsor, Ontario, said it had reached a new deal with Caesars Windsor and would hold a ratification vote . Hopes are high that a 60-day labor setback and two tentative refusal to agree could end the casino resort’s longest strike.

Caesars Windsor, Ontario’s largest casino and hotel complex, has been closed since April 6, when workers announced strike action. Labor disputes between them and casino management have continued over new collective contract terms, which have been cited as issues such as wages and working conditions as major obstacles to both sides. Last week, Unipo Local 444, which represents more than 2,000 workers, began an exploratory conversation with the casino with the help of a local mediator. They said no actual negotiations would take place, but managed to reach an agreement Saturday evening. 슬롯머신

Workers at striking Caesars Windsor will vote for a third provisional agreement after rejecting two previous agreements. The first vote was held on April 5, and 59 percent of the people rejected the proposal. Then on May 18, 53 percent of voters rejected the agreement for the second time. No details have been shared publicly about the new agreement agreed over the weekend, but workers hope wages, benefits and working conditions will improve. Windsor City, on the other hand, hopes the casino strike can finally end this week.

Since employees quit their jobs in early April, Caesars Windsor has been out of operation, with all hotel reservations canceled and all Colosseum performances postponed. And while the closures hurt casino revenues and cost striking employees a fortune, they are also hurting the local economy. Several tourism managers have pointed out that postponed concerts, conventions and other events that the casino resort was supposed to host have led to a setback for visitors who have ruined their vacation plans. In addition, Caesars Windsor is considered one of the largest tourist attractions in the region, and without it, many people will skip Windsor overall.

Additional efforts to find a solution
Unipo National Chairman Jerry Diaz arrived in Windsor last week for exploration talks with the casino, following a failed negotiation between the two sides over the conflict. He was convinced that negotiating teams would eventually find a solution, with or without a local mediator to act as a third party. Caesars Windsor Regional Chairman Kevin Laforet also attended the meeting but did not comment on his expectations.

Dias told reporters the strike had lasted too long and union members had already wanted to return to work. But their disappointment was fully understandable. According to him, their wages have been “retained” for years because of the situation in Canada’s economy. He said Caesars runs the casino, but will also talk to the Ontario Lottery Game Company (OLG) because the actual owner is OLG. He added that Unipo is doing everything in its power to find a solution.

During the exploratory dialogue between the two camps last week, the union also held roundtable discussions for its members. He said he would try to bring people together so that he could exchange opinions and ideas on the terms of the new collective contract. Through a vote at the Shiosiaro Club at 10 a.m. on Monday, the union hopes to end the strike so that people can finally get back to work.

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